Pour ceux des beaux Tribaux qui passent encore voir si chu pas mort: don't sweat, you sweet unholy bunch of brilliant caring bastards, the whole pack of you, Dawgs and Bitches and Pups, don't sweat, the dingo's got my baby, that's all, so I'm hunting dingo, you know, while chasing the dragon simultaneously, and GAWDDAAAMn it ain't as easy as it used to be. Don't run as fast, don't bite as hard no more, and those dingoes are young, Man, young and wild and triomphantly degenerate, as far as...
Oh dear! Gotta run! Chasing the dragon used to be such fun, before they let girls and Frenchmen into the game and mandatory piss tests were introduced. I'm thinking of retiring, coming back here, settle and chase cockroaches in my trailer, one or two a day, just to keep in shape, you know, and have fun, without girls, without Frenchmen, without piss tests...